XQJ v1.0, Jan 14, 2008


absolute(int) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Moves the XQSequence's position to the given item number in this object.
addConnectionEventListener(XQConnectionEventListener) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.PooledXQConnection
Registers the given event listener so that it will be notified when an event occurs on this PooledXQConnection object.
afterLast() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Move to the position after the last item.


beforeFirst() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Moves to the position before the first item.
bindAtomicValue(QName, String, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindBoolean(QName, boolean, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindByte(QName, byte, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindDocument(QName, String, String, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindDocument(QName, Reader, String, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindDocument(QName, InputStream, String, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindDocument(QName, XMLStreamReader, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindDocument(QName, Source, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item from the given Source.
bindDouble(QName, double, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindFloat(QName, float, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
BINDING_MODE_DEFERRED - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating the binding mode deferred, refer to XQDynamicContext for more information.
BINDING_MODE_IMMEDIATE - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating the binding mode immediate, refer to XQDynamicContext for more information.
bindInt(QName, int, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindItem(QName, XQItem) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable.
bindLong(QName, long, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindNode(QName, Node, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindObject(QName, Object, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindSequence(QName, XQSequence) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindShort(QName, short, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindString(QName, String, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
BOUNDARY_SPACE_PRESERVE - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating the the boundary-space policy for expression evaluation is to preserve white spaces
BOUNDARY_SPACE_STRIP - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating the the boundary-space policy for expression evaluation is to strip white spaces


cancel() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQExpression
Attempts to cancel the execution if both the XQuery engine and XQJ driver support aborting the execution of an XQExpression.
cancel() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQPreparedExpression
Attempts to cancel the execution if both the XQuery engine and XQJ driver support aborting the execution of an XQPreparedExpression.
close() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.PooledXQConnection
Closes the physical connection that this PooledXQConnection object represents.
close() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection
Closes the connection.
close() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQExpression
Closes the expression object and release associated resources.
close() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItem
Close the item and release all the resources associated with this item.
close() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQPreparedExpression
Closes the expression object and release all resources associated with this prepared expression.
close() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Closes the sequence and frees all resources associated with this sequence.
commit() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection
Makes all changes made in the current transaction permanent and releases any locks held by the datasource.
connectionClosed(XQConnectionEvent) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnectionEventListener
Notifies this XQConnectionEventListener that the application has called the method close on its representation of a pooled connection.
connectionErrorOccurred(XQConnectionEvent) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnectionEventListener
Notifies this XQConnectionEventListener that a fatal error has occurred and the pooled connection can no longer be used.
ConnectionPoolXQDataSource - Interface in javax.xml.xquery
A factory for PooledXQConnection objects.
CONSTRUCTION_MODE_PRESERVE - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating that the type of a constructed element node is xs:anyType, and all attribute and element nodes copied during node construction retain their original types.
CONSTRUCTION_MODE_STRIP - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating that the type of a constructed element node is xs:untyped; all element nodes copied during node construction receive the type xs:untyped, and all attribute nodes copied during node construction receive the type xs:untypedAtomic.
CONTEXT_ITEM - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
Defines the QName for the context item.
COPY_NAMESPACES_MODE_INHERIT - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating that the inherit mode should be used in namespace binding assignement when an existing element node is copied by an element constructor, as described in 3.7.1 Direct Element Constructors, XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language
COPY_NAMESPACES_MODE_NO_INHERIT - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating that the no-inherit mode should be used in namespace binding assignement when an existing element node is copied by an element constructor, as described in 3.7.1 Direct Element Constructors, XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language
COPY_NAMESPACES_MODE_NO_PRESERVE - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating that the no-preserve mode should be used in namespace binding assignement when an existing element node is copied by an element constructor, as described in 3.7.1 Direct Element Constructors, XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language
COPY_NAMESPACES_MODE_PRESERVE - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating that the preserve mode should be used in namespace binding assignement when an existing element node is copied by an element constructor, as described in 3.7.1 Direct Element Constructors, XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language
count() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Returns a number indicating the number of items in the sequence.
createAtomicType(int) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates a new XQItemType object representing an XQuery atomic type.
createAtomicType(int, QName, URI) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates a new XQItemType object representing an XQuery atomic type.
createAttributeType(QName, int) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates a new XQItemType object representing the XQuery attribute(nodename, basetype) type with the given node name and base type.
createAttributeType(QName, int, QName, URI) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates a new XQItemType object representing the XQuery attribute(nodename,basetype,typename,schemaURI) type, with the given node name, base type, schema type name and schema URI.
createCommentType() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates a new XQItemType object representing the XQuery comment() type.
createDocumentElementType(XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates a new XQItemType object representing the XQuery document-node(elementType) type containing a single element.
createDocumentSchemaElementType(XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates a new XQItemType object representing the XQuery document-node(elementType) type containing a single schema-element(...).
createDocumentType() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates a new XQItemType object representing the XQuery document-node() type.
createElementType(QName, int) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates a new XQItemType object representing the XQuery element(nodename, basetype) type, with the given node name and base type.
createElementType(QName, int, QName, URI, boolean) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates a new XQItemType object representing the XQuery element(nodename,basetype,typename,schemaURI, allowNill) type, given the node name, base type, schema type name, schema URI, and nilled check.
createExpression() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection
Creates a new XQExpression object that can be used to perform execute immediate operations with XQuery expressions.
createExpression(XQStaticContext) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection
Creates a new XQExpression object that can be used to perform execute immediate operations with XQuery expressions.
createItem(XQItem) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates a copy of the specified XQItem.
createItemFromAtomicValue(String, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates an item from a given value.
createItemFromBoolean(boolean, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates an item from a given value.
createItemFromByte(byte, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates an item from a given value.
createItemFromDocument(String, String, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates an item from the given value.
createItemFromDocument(Reader, String, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates an item from the given value.
createItemFromDocument(InputStream, String, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates an item from the given value.
createItemFromDocument(XMLStreamReader, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates an item from the given value.
createItemFromDocument(Source, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates an item from the given Source.
createItemFromDouble(double, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates an item from a given value.
createItemFromFloat(float, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates an item from a given value.
createItemFromInt(int, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates an item from a given value.
createItemFromLong(long, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates an item from a given value.
createItemFromNode(Node, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates an item from a given value.
createItemFromObject(Object, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates an item from a given value.
createItemFromShort(short, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates an item from a given value.
createItemFromString(String, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates an item from a given value.
createItemType() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates a new XQItemType object representing the XQuery item type.
createNodeType() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates a new XQItemType object representing the XQuery node() type.
createProcessingInstructionType(String) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates a new XQItemType object representing the XQuery processing-instruction(piTarget) type.
createSchemaAttributeType(QName, int, URI) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates a new XQItemType object representing the XQuery schema-attribute(nodename,basetype,schemaURI) type, with the given node name, base type, and schema URI.
createSchemaElementType(QName, int, URI) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates a new XQItemType object representing the XQuery schema-element(nodename,basetype,schemaURI) type, given the node name, base type, and the schema URI.
createSequence(XQSequence) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates a copy of the specified XQSequence.
createSequence(Iterator) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates an XQSequence, containing all the items from the iterator.
createSequenceType(XQItemType, int) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates a new sequence type from an item type and occurence indicator.
createTextType() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataFactory
Creates a new XQItemType object representing the XQuery text() type.


declareNamespace(String, String) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Declares a namespace prefix and associates it with a namespace URI.
DEFAULT_ORDER_FOR_EMPTY_SEQUENCES_GREATEST - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating that ordering of empty sequences and NaN values as keys in an order by clause in a FLWOR expression is "greatest".
DEFAULT_ORDER_FOR_EMPTY_SEQUENCES_LEAST - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating that ordering of empty sequences and NaN values as keys in an order by clause in a FLWOR expression is "least".


equals(Object) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Compares the specified object with this item type for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequenceType
Compares the specified object with this sequence type for equality.
executeCommand(String) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQExpression
Executes an implementation-defined command.
executeCommand(Reader) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQExpression
Executes an implementation-defined command.
executeQuery(String) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQExpression
Executes a query expression.
executeQuery(Reader) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQExpression
Executes a query expression.
executeQuery(InputStream) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQExpression
Executes a query expression.
executeQuery() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQPreparedExpression
Executes the prepared query expression.


first() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Moves to the first item in the sequence.


getAllExternalVariables() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQPreparedExpression
Retrieves all the external variables defined in the prolog of the prepared expression.
getAllUnboundExternalVariables() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQPreparedExpression
Retrieves the names of all unbound external variables.
getAtomicValue() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemAccessor
Gets the current item as a Java String.
getAutoCommit() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection
Gets the auto-commit attribute of this connection
getBaseType() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Returns the base type of the item.
getBaseURI() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Gets the Base URI, if set in the static context, else the empty string.
getBindingMode() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Gets the value of the binding mode property.
getBoolean() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemAccessor
Gets the current item as a boolean.
getBoundarySpacePolicy() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Gets the boundary-space policy defined in the static context.
getByte() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemAccessor
Gets the current item as a byte.
getColumnNumber() - Method in exception javax.xml.xquery.XQQueryException
Gets the column number in the query string where the error occurred.
getColumnNumber() - Method in class javax.xml.xquery.XQStackTraceElement
Gets the column number in the query string containing the execution point represented by this stack trace element.
getConnection() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.PooledXQConnection
Creates and returns an XQConnection object that is a handle for the physical connection that this PooledXQConnection object represents.
getConnection() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataSource
Attempts to create a connection to an XML datasource.
getConnection(Connection) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataSource
Attempts to create a connection to an XML datasource using an existing JDBC connection.
getConnection(String, String) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataSource
Attempts to establish a connection to an XML datasource using the supplied username and password.
getConnection() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQResultItem
Gets the XQuery connection associated with this result item
getConnection() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQResultSequence
Gets the XQuery connection associated with this result sequence
getConstructionMode() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Gets the construction mode defined in the static context.
getContextItemStaticType() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Gets the static type of the context item.
getCopyNamespacesModeInherit() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Gets the inherit part of the copy-namespaces mode defined in the static context.
getCopyNamespacesModePreserve() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Gets the preserve part of the copy-namespaces mode defined in the static context.
getDefaultCollation() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Gets the URI of the default collation.
getDefaultElementTypeNamespace() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Gets the URI of the default element/type namespace, the empty string if not set.
getDefaultFunctionNamespace() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Gets the URI of the default function namespace, the empty string if not set.
getDefaultOrderForEmptySequences() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Gets the default order for empty sequences defined in the static context.
getDouble() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemAccessor
Gets the current item as a double.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception javax.xml.xquery.XQQueryException
Gets the code identifying the error according to the standard as described in Appendix F, XQuery 1.0: An XML Query language, Appendix C, XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators, and its associated specifications; imlementation-defined errors may also be raised; finally the error code may also be specified in the query using fn:error().
getErrorObject() - Method in exception javax.xml.xquery.XQQueryException
Gets an XQSequence representing the error object passed to fn:error().
getFloat() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemAccessor
Gets the current item as a float.
getFunctionQName() - Method in class javax.xml.xquery.XQStackTraceElement
Gets the QName of the function in which the error occurred, or null if it occurred outside an enclosing function (in a main module).
getHoldability() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Gets the value of the holdability property.
getImplicitTimeZone() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Gets the implicit timezone
getInt() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemAccessor
Gets the current item as an int.
getItem() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Get the current item as an immutable XQItem object.
getItemAsStream() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemAccessor
Read the current item as an XMLStreamReader object, as described in Section 12.1 Serializing an XDM instance into a StAX event stream (XMLStreamReader), XQuery API for Java (XQJ) 1.0.
getItemAsString(Properties) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemAccessor
Serializes the current item according to the XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 serialization.
getItemKind() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Returns the kind of the item.
getItemOccurrence() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Returns the occurrence indicator for the item type.
getItemOccurrence() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequenceType
Returns the occurrence indicator for the sequence type.
getItemType() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemAccessor
Gets the type of the item.
getItemType() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequenceType
Returns the type of the item in the sequence type.
getLineNumber() - Method in exception javax.xml.xquery.XQQueryException
Gets the line number in the query string where the error occurred.
getLineNumber() - Method in class javax.xml.xquery.XQStackTraceElement
Gets the line number in the query string containing the execution point represented by this stack trace element.
getLoginTimeout() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.ConnectionPoolXQDataSource
Gets the maximum time in seconds that this datasource can wait while attempting to connect to a database.
getLoginTimeout() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataSource
Gets the maximum time in seconds that this datasource can wait while attempting to connect to a database.
getLogWriter() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.ConnectionPoolXQDataSource
Retrieves the log writer for this datasource object.
getLogWriter() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataSource
Retrieves the log writer for this XQDataSource object.
getLong() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemAccessor
Gets the current item as a long.
getMaxExpressionLength() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Gets the maximum number of characters allowed in an expression in this data source.
getMaxUserNameLength() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Gets the maximum number of characters allowed in a user name.
getMetaData() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection
Gets the metadata for this connection.
getModuleURI() - Method in exception javax.xml.xquery.XQQueryException
Gets the module URI of the module in which the error occurred.
getModuleURI() - Method in class javax.xml.xquery.XQStackTraceElement
Gets the module URI containing the execution point represented by this stack trace element.
getNamespacePrefixes() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Returns the prefixes of all the statically known namespaces.
getNamespaceURI(String) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Retrieves the namespace URI associated with a prefix.
getNextException() - Method in exception javax.xml.xquery.XQException
Returns the next XQException in the chain or null if none.
getNode() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemAccessor
Gets the item as a DOM node.
getNodeName() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
getNodeUri() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemAccessor
Returns the URI for this item.
getObject() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemAccessor
Gets the current item as an Object.
getOrderingMode() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Gets the ordering mode defined in the static context.
getPIName() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Returns the name of the processing instruction type.
getPooledConnection() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.ConnectionPoolXQDataSource
Attempts to establish a physical connection to an XML datasource that can be used as a pooled connection.
getPooledConnection(String, String) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.ConnectionPoolXQDataSource
Attempts to establish a physical connection to an XML datasource using the supplied username and password, that can be used as a pooled connection.
getPosition() - Method in exception javax.xml.xquery.XQQueryException
Gets the character position in the query string where this exception occurred.
getPosition() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Gets the current cursor position.
getPosition() - Method in class javax.xml.xquery.XQStackTraceElement
Gets the character position in the query string containing the execution point represented by this stack trace element.
getProductMajorVersion() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Gets the major version of this product.
getProductMinorVersion() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Gets the minor version of this product.
getProductName() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Gets the name of this product.
getProductVersion() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Gets the full version of this product.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.ConnectionPoolXQDataSource
Returns the current value of the named property if set, else null.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataSource
Returns the current value of the named property if set, else null.
getQName() - Method in class javax.xml.xquery.XQStackTraceVariable
Gets the QName of the variable.
getQueryLanguageTypeAndVersion() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Gets the value of the language type and version property.
getQueryStackTrace() - Method in exception javax.xml.xquery.XQQueryException
Returns the query stack stackTrace when the exception occurred, or null if none.
getQueryTimeout() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Retrieves the number of seconds an implementation will wait for a query to execute.
getSchemaURI() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Returns the schema location URI of the schema that contains the item's element or type definition.
getScrollability() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Gets the value of the scrollability property.
getSequenceAsStream() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Read the entire sequence starting from the current position as an XMLStreamReader object, as described in Section 12.1 Serializing an XDM instance into a StAX event stream (XMLStreamReader), XQuery API for Java (XQJ) 1.0.
getSequenceAsString(Properties) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Serializes the sequence starting from the current position to a String according to the XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 serialization.
getShort() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemAccessor
Gets the current item as a short.
getStaticContext() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection
Gets an XQStaticContext representing the default values for all expression properties.
getStaticContext() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQExpression
Gets an XQStaticContext representing the values for all expression properties.
getStaticContext() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQPreparedExpression
Gets an XQStaticContext representing the values for all expression properties.
getStaticResultType() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQPreparedExpression
Gets the static type information of the result sequence.
getStaticVariableType(QName) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQPreparedExpression
Retrieves the static type of a given external variable.
getSupportedPropertyNames() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.ConnectionPoolXQDataSource
Returns an array containing the property names supported by this datasource.
getSupportedPropertyNames() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataSource
Returns an array containing the property names supported by this XQDataSource.
getSupportedXQueryEncodings() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Returns a set of java.lang.String, each of which specifies a character encoding method the XQJ implmentation supports to parse the XQuery query text.
getTypeName() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents a type name (global or local).
getUserName() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Gets the user name associated with this connection.
getValue() - Method in class javax.xml.xquery.XQStackTraceVariable
Gets a short string representation of the value of the stack variable.
getVariables() - Method in class javax.xml.xquery.XQStackTraceElement
Gets the variables in scope at this execution point, or null if no variable value retrieval is possible.
getVendorCode() - Method in exception javax.xml.xquery.XQException
Gets the vendor code associated with this exception or null if none.
getXQException() - Method in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConnectionEvent
Retrieves the XQException for this XQConnectionEvent object.
getXQJMajorVersion() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Gets the major version number of XQJ specification supported by this implementation.
getXQJMinorVersion() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Gets the minor version number of XQJ specification supported by this implementation.
getXQJVersion() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Gets the full version of XQJ specification supported by this implementation.


hashCode() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Returns a hash code consistent with the definition of the equals method.
hashCode() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequenceType
Returns a hash code consistent with the definition of the equals method.
HOLDTYPE_CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating that the result sequences must be closed when the commit on the connection is called.
HOLDTYPE_HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating that the result sequences must be preserved when the commit on the connection is called.


instanceOf(XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemAccessor
Checks if the item "matches" an item type, as defined in Matching an Item Type and an Item, XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language.
isAfterLast() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Checks if the current position is after the last item in the sequence.
isAnonymousType() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents whether the item type is an anonymous type in the schema.
isBeforeFirst() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Checks if the current position before the first item in the sequence.
isClosed() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection
Checks if the connection is closed.
isClosed() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQExpression
Checks if the expression is in a closed state.
isClosed() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItem
Checks if the item is closed.
isClosed() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQPreparedExpression
Checks if the prepared expression in a closed state.
isClosed() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Checks if the sequence is closed.
isElementNillable() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Returns whether the element type is nillable or not.
isFirst() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Checks if the current position at the first item in the sequence.
isFullAxisFeatureSupported() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Query if XQuery full axis feature is supported in this connection.
isLast() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Checks if the current position at the last item in the sequence.
isModuleFeatureSupported() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Query if XQuery module feature is supported in this connection.
isOnItem() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Check if the sequence is positioned on an item or not.
isReadOnly() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Query if the associated conection is restricted for read only use.
isSchemaImportFeatureSupported() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Query if XQuery schema import feature is supported in this connection.
isSchemaValidationFeatureSupported() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Query if XQuery schema validation feature is supported in this connection.
isScrollable() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Checks if the sequence is scrollable.
isSerializationFeatureSupported() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Query if XQuery serialization feature is supported in this connection.
isStaticTypingExtensionsSupported() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Query if XQuery static typing extensions are supported in this connection.
isStaticTypingFeatureSupported() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Query if XQuery static typing feature is supported in this data source.
isTransactionSupported() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Query if transaction is supported in this data source.
isUserDefinedXMLSchemaTypeSupported() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Check if the user defined XML schema type is supported in this connection.
isXQueryEncodingDeclSupported() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Query if the XQuery encoding declaration is supported by the XQJ implementation.
isXQueryEncodingSupported(String) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Query if a character encoding method of the XQuery query text is supported by the XQJ implmentation.
isXQueryXSupported() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Query if XQueryX format is supported in this data source.


javax.xml.xquery - package javax.xml.xquery


LANGTYPE_XQUERY - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating that the expression language used in XQConnection.prepareExpression and XQExpression.execute is XQuery (any version).
LANGTYPE_XQUERYX - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating that the expression language used in XQConnection.prepareExpression and XQExpression.execute is XQueryX.
last() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Moves to the last item in the sequence.


next() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Moves to the next item in the sequence.


OCC_EMPTY - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequenceType
OCC_EXACTLY_ONE - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequenceType
OCC_ONE_OR_MORE - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequenceType
OCC_ZERO_OR_MORE - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequenceType
OCC_ZERO_OR_ONE - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequenceType
ORDERING_MODE_ORDERED - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating that ordered results are to be returned by certain path expressions, union, intersect, and except expressions, and FLWOR expressions that have no order by clause.
ORDERING_MODE_UNORDERED - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating that unordered results are to be returned by certain path expressions, union, intersect, and except expressions, and FLWOR expressions that have no order by clause.


PooledXQConnection - Interface in javax.xml.xquery
An object that provides hooks for connection pool management.
prepareExpression(String) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection
Prepares an expression for execution.
prepareExpression(String, XQStaticContext) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection
Prepares an expression for execution.
prepareExpression(Reader) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection
Prepares an expression for execution.
prepareExpression(Reader, XQStaticContext) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection
Prepares an expression for execution.
prepareExpression(InputStream) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection
Prepares an expression for execution.
prepareExpression(InputStream, XQStaticContext) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection
Prepares an expression for execution.
previous() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Moves to the previous item in the sequence.


relative(int) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Moves the cursor a relative number of items, either positive or negative.
removeConnectionEventListener(XQConnectionEventListener) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.PooledXQConnection
Removes the given event listener from the list of components that will be notified when an event occurs on this PooledXQConnection object.
rollback() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection
Undoes all changes made in the current transaction and releases any locks held by the datasource.


SCROLLTYPE_FORWARD_ONLY - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating that the result sequence can only be scrolled forward.
SCROLLTYPE_SCROLLABLE - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating that the result sequence can be scrolled forward or backward and is insensitive to any updates done on the underlying objects
setAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection
Sets the auto-commit attribute to the given state.
setBaseURI(String) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Sets the Base URI in the static context, specify the empty string to make it undefined.
setBindingMode(int) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Sets the binding mode property.
setBoundarySpacePolicy(int) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Sets the boundary-space policy in the static context.
setConstructionMode(int) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Sets the construction mode in the static context.
setContextItemStaticType(XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Sets the static type of the context item, specify null to make it unspecified.
setCopyNamespacesModeInherit(int) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Sets the inherit part of the copy-namespaces mode in the static context.
setCopyNamespacesModePreserve(int) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Sets the preserve part of the copy-namespaces mode in the static context.
setDefaultCollation(String) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Sets the URI of the default collation.
setDefaultElementTypeNamespace(String) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Sets the URI of the default element/type namespace, the empty string to make it unspecified.
setDefaultFunctionNamespace(String) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Sets the URI of the default function namespace, the empty string to make it unspecified.
setDefaultOrderForEmptySequences(int) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Sets the default order for empty sequences in the static context.
setHoldability(int) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Sets the holdability property.
setImplicitTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Sets the implicit timezone
setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.ConnectionPoolXQDataSource
Sets the maximum time in seconds that this datasource will wait while attempting to connect to a database.
setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataSource
Sets the maximum time in seconds that this datasource will wait while attempting to connect to a database.
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.ConnectionPoolXQDataSource
Sets the log writer for this datasource object to the given java.io.PrintWriter object.
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataSource
Sets the log writer for this XQDataSource object to the given java.io.PrintWriter object.
setNextException(XQException) - Method in exception javax.xml.xquery.XQException
Adds an XQException to the chain of exceptions.
setOrderingMode(int) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Sets the ordering mode in the static context.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.ConnectionPoolXQDataSource
Sets the data source properties from the specified Properties instance.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataSource
Sets the data source properties from the specified Properties instance.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.ConnectionPoolXQDataSource
Sets the named property to the specified value.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDataSource
Sets the named property to the specified value.
setQueryLanguageTypeAndVersion(int) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Sets the input query language type and version.
setQueryTimeout(int) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Sets the number of seconds an implementation will wait for a query to execute.
setScrollability(int) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext
Sets the scrollability of the result sequence.
setStaticContext(XQStaticContext) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection
Sets the default values for all expression properties.


toString() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Returns a human-readable implementation-defined string representation of the item type.
toString() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequenceType
Returns a human-readable implementation-defined string representation of the sequence type.


wasCreatedFromJDBCConnection() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQMetaData
Query if this connection was created from a JDBC connection.
writeItem(OutputStream, Properties) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemAccessor
Serializes the current item to a Writer according to XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 serialization.
writeItem(Writer, Properties) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemAccessor
Serializes the current item to a Writer according to XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 serialization.
writeItemToResult(Result) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemAccessor
Writes the current item to a Result.
writeItemToSAX(ContentHandler) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemAccessor
Writes the current item to a SAX handler, as described in in Section 12.2 Serializing an XDM instance into a SAX event stream, XQuery API for Java (XQJ) 1.0.
writeSequence(OutputStream, Properties) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Serializes the sequence starting from the current position to an OutputStream according to the XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 serialization.
writeSequence(Writer, Properties) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Serializes the sequence starting from the current position to a Writer according to the XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 serialization.
writeSequenceToResult(Result) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Writes the entire sequence starting from the current position to a Result.
writeSequenceToSAX(ContentHandler) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Writes the entire sequence starting from the current position to a SAX handler, as described in Section 12.2 Serializing an XDM instance into a SAX event stream, XQuery API for Java (XQJ) 1.0.


XQBASETYPE_ANYATOMICTYPE - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:anyAtomicType
XQBASETYPE_ANYSIMPLETYPE - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:anySimpleType
XQBASETYPE_ANYTYPE - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:anyType
XQBASETYPE_ANYURI - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:anyURI
XQBASETYPE_BASE64BINARY - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:base64Binary
XQBASETYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:boolean
XQBASETYPE_BYTE - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:byte
XQBASETYPE_DATE - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:date
XQBASETYPE_DATETIME - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:dateTime
XQBASETYPE_DAYTIMEDURATION - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:dayTimeDuration
XQBASETYPE_DECIMAL - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:decimal
XQBASETYPE_DOUBLE - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:double
XQBASETYPE_DURATION - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:duration
XQBASETYPE_ENTITIES - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:ENTITIES
XQBASETYPE_ENTITY - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:ENTITY
XQBASETYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:float
XQBASETYPE_GDAY - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:gDay
XQBASETYPE_GMONTH - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:gMonth
XQBASETYPE_GMONTHDAY - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:gMonthDay
XQBASETYPE_GYEAR - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:gYear
XQBASETYPE_GYEARMONTH - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:gYearMonth
XQBASETYPE_HEXBINARY - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:hexBinary
XQBASETYPE_ID - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:ID
XQBASETYPE_IDREF - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:IDREF
XQBASETYPE_IDREFS - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:IDREFS.
XQBASETYPE_INT - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:int
XQBASETYPE_INTEGER - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:integer
XQBASETYPE_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:language
XQBASETYPE_LONG - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:long
XQBASETYPE_NAME - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:Name
XQBASETYPE_NCNAME - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:NCName
XQBASETYPE_NEGATIVE_INTEGER - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:negativeInteger
XQBASETYPE_NMTOKEN - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:NMToken
XQBASETYPE_NMTOKENS - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:NMTOKENS
XQBASETYPE_NONNEGATIVE_INTEGER - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:nonNegativeInteger
XQBASETYPE_NONPOSITIVE_INTEGER - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:nonPositiveInteger
XQBASETYPE_NORMALIZED_STRING - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:normalizedString
XQBASETYPE_NOTATION - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:NOTATION
XQBASETYPE_POSITIVE_INTEGER - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:positiveInteger
XQBASETYPE_QNAME - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:QName
XQBASETYPE_SHORT - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:short
XQBASETYPE_STRING - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:string
XQBASETYPE_TIME - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:time
XQBASETYPE_TOKEN - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:token
XQBASETYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:unsignedByte
XQBASETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:unsignedInt
XQBASETYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:unsignedLong
XQBASETYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:unsignedShort
XQBASETYPE_UNTYPED - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:untyped
XQBASETYPE_UNTYPEDATOMIC - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:untypedAtomic
XQBASETYPE_YEARMONTHDURATION - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Represents the schema type xs:yearMonthDuration
XQCancelledException - Exception in javax.xml.xquery
XQCancelledException is an exception to indicate that the current XQuery processing is cancelled by the application through a cancel() request.
XQCancelledException(String, String, QName, int, int, int, String, XQSequence, XQStackTraceElement[]) - Constructor for exception javax.xml.xquery.XQCancelledException
Constructs an XQCancelledException object with a given message, vendor code, error code, line number, column number, position, module URI, error object, and stack trace.
XQConnection - Interface in javax.xml.xquery
A connection (session) with a specific XQuery engine.
XQConnectionEvent - Class in javax.xml.xquery
An event object that provides information about the source of a connection-related event.
XQConnectionEvent(PooledXQConnection) - Constructor for class javax.xml.xquery.XQConnectionEvent
Constructs an XQConnectionEvent object initialized with the given PooledXQConnection object.
XQConnectionEvent(PooledXQConnection, XQException) - Constructor for class javax.xml.xquery.XQConnectionEvent
Constructs an XQConnectionEvent object initialized with the given PooledXQConnection object and XQException object.
XQConnectionEventListener - Interface in javax.xml.xquery
An object that registers to be notified of events generated by a PooledXQConnection object.
XQConstants - Class in javax.xml.xquery
XQConstants class provides constants that can be used in the XQJ API.
XQDataFactory - Interface in javax.xml.xquery
This interface represents a factory to obtain sequences, item objects and types.
XQDataSource - Interface in javax.xml.xquery
An XQDataSource is a factory for XQConnection objects.
XQDynamicContext - Interface in javax.xml.xquery
XQDynamicContext provides access to the dynamic context as defined in 2.1.2 Dynamic Context, XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language.
XQException - Exception in javax.xml.xquery
An exception that provides information on XQJ, XQuery or other errors reported by an XQJ implementation.
XQException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.xml.xquery.XQException
Constructs an XQException object with a given message.
XQException(String, String) - Constructor for exception javax.xml.xquery.XQException
Constructs an XQException object with a given message and vendor code.
XQExpression - Interface in javax.xml.xquery
This interface describes the execute immediate functionality for expressions.
XQItem - Interface in javax.xml.xquery
This interface represents an item in the XDM.
XQItemAccessor - Interface in javax.xml.xquery
This interface represents a common interface for accessing the values of an XQuery item.
XQITEMKIND_ATOMIC - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Some atomic type.
XQITEMKIND_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Attribute node
XQITEMKIND_COMMENT - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Comment node
XQITEMKIND_DOCUMENT - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Document type (the type information represents the type of the document element)
XQITEMKIND_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Document node containing a single element node as its child (type information represents type of the element child)
XQITEMKIND_DOCUMENT_SCHEMA_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Document node containing a single schema element node as its child (type information represents type of the schema element child)
XQITEMKIND_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Element node
XQITEMKIND_ITEM - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Any kind of item
XQITEMKIND_NODE - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Some node type
XQITEMKIND_PI - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Processing instruction node
XQITEMKIND_SCHEMA_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Schema attribute node
XQITEMKIND_SCHEMA_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Schema element node
XQITEMKIND_TEXT - Static variable in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType
Text node
XQItemType - Interface in javax.xml.xquery
The XQItemType interface represents an item type as defined in XQuery 1.0: An XML Query language.
XQMetaData - Interface in javax.xml.xquery
XQMetaData interface provides information about the data source, in various aspects, such as the product name and version identification, supported features, specific behaviors, user information, product limits and so forth.
XQPreparedExpression - Interface in javax.xml.xquery
This interface describes an expression that can be prepared for multiple subsequent executions.
XQQueryException - Exception in javax.xml.xquery
An exception that provides information on errors occurring during the evaluation of an xquery.
XQQueryException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.xml.xquery.XQQueryException
Constructs an XQQueryException object with a given message.
XQQueryException(String, QName) - Constructor for exception javax.xml.xquery.XQQueryException
Constructs an XQQueryException object with a given message, and error code.
XQQueryException(String, QName, int, int, int) - Constructor for exception javax.xml.xquery.XQQueryException
Constructs an XQQueryException object with a given message, error code, line number, column number, and position.
XQQueryException(String, String, QName, int, int, int) - Constructor for exception javax.xml.xquery.XQQueryException
Constructs an XQQueryException object with a given message, vendor code, error code, line number, column number, and position.
XQQueryException(String, String, QName, int, int, int, String, XQSequence, XQStackTraceElement[]) - Constructor for exception javax.xml.xquery.XQQueryException
Constructs an XQQueryException object with a given message, vendor code, error code, line number, column number, position, module URI, error object, and stack trace.
XQResultItem - Interface in javax.xml.xquery
This interface represents an immutable item object obtained from an XQResultSequence using the getItem method.
XQResultSequence - Interface in javax.xml.xquery
This interface represents a sequence of items obtained as a result of evaluation XQuery expressions.
XQSequence - Interface in javax.xml.xquery
This interface represents a sequence of items as defined in the XDM.
XQSequenceType - Interface in javax.xml.xquery
The XQSequenceType interface represents a sequence type as XQuery 1.0: An XML Query language.
XQStackTraceElement - Class in javax.xml.xquery
This class represents a frame in a stack trace, akin to the java.lang.StackTraceElement but for XQuery callstacks instead of Java.
XQStackTraceElement(String, int, int, int, QName, XQStackTraceVariable[]) - Constructor for class javax.xml.xquery.XQStackTraceElement
Construct an XQStackTraceElement object representing a frame in a stack trace.
XQStackTraceVariable - Class in javax.xml.xquery
This class represents the list of variables and their values in an error stack.
XQStackTraceVariable(QName, String) - Constructor for class javax.xml.xquery.XQStackTraceVariable
Construct a stack trace variable object.
XQStaticContext - Interface in javax.xml.xquery
An XQStaticContext represents default values for various XQuery Static Context Components.

XQJ v1.0, Jan 14, 2008

Copyright (c) 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.